There are lots of companies dealing in indoor air quality testing these days. Every company makes big claims that it offers the best quality service. They usually extol their abilities and, but in reality are not really capable of what they claim. However, you need not to worry at all, as we have the solution for you. It is your fundamental right to breathe in fresh and clean air. There is no company that can match the standards set by us, as we are company which gives you the best and most reliable indoor air quality testing to keep you safe and sound.
We care for your health as we have focused our attention primarily on the customers’ satisfaction. This is the reason that no company could beat us. We are famous for our standard services in and around Atlanta and Florida as we have implanted best techniques and methods while doing our work. Never take a risk and always have a safe breathe, but then how it is possible? The answer is that it is best to trust the most famous and reputable name in this category.
You may be wondering as what after all mold is and how it surfaces? Actually, if a surface is exposed to moisture for more than 45 hours, mold starts developing. Heat is best for this fungus to grow and thrive rapidly. Moisture is yet another substance that increases its germination process.
There are various factors that can give rise to the development of mold. Some of these factors are broken pipes in your building from where there is a regular seepage of water, or there are leaky walls where the possibility is that mold would develop. There may be natural calamities like floods, where the mold could prosper. Thus, it is crucial to take proper care of such conditions and must be dealt with iron fists.
There is another imminent danger of stagnant water, and that is it may cause damage to people’s health living in the vicinity and needs to be removed immediately. However, if the situation remains same for few weeks, there is a formation of mold which then posts some serious threats to the lives of people. This is what indoor air quality testing is all about as deters the growth of any such microbial elements.
Health effects of mold could vary from mild to some very severe ones. You could develop allergy problems that may be moderate in type in the beginning but could turn out to be more mature if not treated properly. These allergy problems could affect your respiratory track and even damage it permanently. Breathe shortage, asthma, cancer and other major illnesses, such as effect on your reproductive system and pituitary glands, are some other diseases that could be inflicted upon you on mold development.
The more mold grows the more it becomes formidable to get rid of quickly. We insure with our indoor air quality testing, that there is no growth of mold and you get healthy air to breathe in.