Friday, December 23, 2011

Defining Body modification

Body modification which is also known as Body alteration is an act of deliberately altering or changing the human body or its parts for any non-medical reasons. These reasons could be of many types. One of the reasons could be for sexual enhancement where the person goes for a surgery that entails certain body’s enhancement. There is another reason why people go for Body modification. They go for Body modification as they want to look good. These people show off and that is why they tend to go for Body modification for aesthetic purposes. There are certain groups of public who follow Body modification for a rite of passage. Most of the people tend to do it for religious reasons while some are there who declare themselves a member of particular group. They announce that they follow a particular doctrine or are strong supporters of any concerned group with the aid of their Body alterations or Body modifications.

Some of the people are big fans of body art and they tend to do it for one and only one reason and that is for the beauty of it. They encourage Body modifications as they find it beautiful. They try on different artistic approach towards the creations as it manages to keep them interested. Some do it just for the love of it while there are some who opt for Body modification just for shock value. Some people are there who want to express themselves through their body. They let their bodies do the talking. To be expressive and that too without the need to open their mouth is a thing of importance for such people. They try to explain themselves with the aid of their body. People have different ways to express ​themselves and they believe they can do it best with the help of their body.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Facts about asbestos testing

Asbestos, building professionals liked to use this substance sometimes back because of its many useful attributes. Some of its praised qualities are because the substance is super tough, highly resistant to fire and lasts for a very long time.  Due to all this positive qualities builders used it for floor tiles, buildings, pipes, ceiling walls and some insulation device in the house. Asbestos had its disadvantages although it is harmless in an inert state when physically changed it releases harmful toxic particles, that poses a health threat and the use of it had to be significantly reduced.

There is a method called asbestos testing. This is a method where all Asbestos containing elements in the environment are tested and treated if found contaminated.
The process of Asbestos testing is done by highly qualified and trained professionals who uses special tools and latest technologies to test the level of Asbestos in the environment and in your household. Some of their specialized equipment is, filters which draws out asbestos from the surrounding and take it to the lab.  These labs are EPA certified this means they follow guidelines set by the institution and their findings are accurate.

When Asbestos is inhaled there results too many health complication incidences such as cancer and Mesothelioma. This has made EPA ban the use of Asbestos in buildings later than 1989. There some older buildings that still contain Asbestos in the floor tiling, ceiling walls, dry walls and insulators. In addition, buildings built before 1989 are to be demolished or renovated because they are likely to contain high level of asbestos and require Asbestos testing.  If the test take place and the results are positive then the company conducting the test when consulted is in a position to offer assistance and eliminate the threat.